Web Design Certified
Web Design Certification Exam
Web Design Certification allows students in secondary school web design training programs to show potential employers they have the knowledge required to be successful as an entry level web site designer. WD Certified is a web design certification exam serving approved academic programs preparing students to enter the web design industry. Students must score at least a 85% on 100 randomly generated questions, ensuring that their knowledge of the content exceeds that required in the regular classroom thus making them worthy of certification and a quality candidate for employment in an entry level web design position. The cost of the exam is $50 per student unless the exam is provided through an approved partner curriculum provider. Certification exams may only be administered within an accredited educational institution and proctored by a state certified educator.
The exam does not endorse, or test over, any 3rd party products. Students are tested on a design topics in the following domains: Basic Internet History & Computer Knowledge (10%), Web Graphics Concepts (10%), HTML5 & CSS3 (50%), JavaScript & PHP/MySQL (25%), and Website Administration (5%). Students that successfully pass the exam will receive a verifiable certificate of certification in the Fundamentals of Website Design.
Curriculum providers! If you would like to give your schools the opportunity to offer their students certification in web design, then please contact us for additional information on the approval process and pricing.